Tuesday, September 1, 2020

Syllabus ENGR 1166 Fall 2020, 9/1/2020, 6:07 PM, English, 9/1/2020, 6:07 PM

Your assigned language is: English
Classroom blog: googleclouduconn.blogspot.com

9/1/2020, 6:07 PM

ENGR 1166: Foundations of Engineering - Z81 (11981)

Fall 2020
Instructor: John A. Iacovacci/Tendai Gomo
John.iacovacci1@gmail.com; john.iacovacci@uconn.edu; Tendai@tendaigomo.com
Lectures Wednesday 6:20-8:50 pm webex

Meeting Link

Meeting password

Google Cloud

215 Stamford Downtown Campus

Our Class Website is

Google Cloud Platform in Action JJ Geewax
eBook: https://livebook.manning.com/book/google-cloud-platform-in-action

Catalog Description
ENGR 1166 - Provides an in depth study of the Google cloud platform.
We will be focusing on learning various aspects of the google cloud
and building small projects related to cloud concepts. The class
format is based upon first half lecture then second half hands on
workshop.The environment is hosted at cloud.google.com.
$300 of cloud services is budgeted for each student by google. A
credit card is needed to get google credit.

At the end of the course, the students should be able to understand
and be able to develop on the google cloud. The concepts will include
virtual machines, MySQL, NoSQL, Big Data, document storage, Linux,
HTML/CSS, Javascript, node.js, Python, GitHub, leveraging Google
API's, cloud functions.

General Requirements & Expectations
1. Attendance: Students are expected to attend all lectures.
Attendance will be taken.
Reading and assignments are required. Each class will have assignments
required as well as projects due at different times during the term.
2. Make sure you check your UCONN.EDU e-mail account regularly, or
have it forwarded to an account that you use regularly. Otherwise you
may miss important announcements.
Grading Percentages
Description Percent of course grade
Class assignments: 30%
Projects: 3 Projects will be assigned during the term plus term paper 70%


Week 1 Chapter 1. What is the Cloud / linux
Week 2 Chapter 2. Deploying Wordpress / HTML CSS
Week 3 Chapter 3. The Data Center / Javascript / Web SItes
Week 4 Chapter 4. Cloud SQL / MySQL / GitHub
Week 5 Chapter 12/13. Cloud Functions / DNS - node.js
Week 6 Chapter 8. Cloud Storage
Week 7 Chapter 6/7. Large Scale SQL & Big Table, NoSQL
Week 8 Chapter 9/10. Compute Engine , Python
Week 9 Chapter 11. App Engine
Week 10 Chapter 5. Document Storage - GitHub
Week 11 Chapter 14/15. Cloud Vision /Text Analysis
Week 12 Chapter 16/17. Cloud Speech / Translations
Week 13 Chapter 19/20. Big Query / Dataflow
All project work due

Academic Honesty
Students should refer to the Student Code (see section on Academic Integrity -
http://www.dos.uconn.edu/student_code.html) for specific guidelines.
Students with disabilities who believe they may need accommodations in
this class are encouraged
to contact the Center for Students with Disabilities (486-2020) as
soon as possible to better ensure that such accommodations are
implemented in a timely fashion.

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Office hours tomorrow(Tuesday) 5:00pm-6:00pm, 4/26/2021, 5:13 PM, English, 4/26/2021, 5:13 PM

Your assigned language is: English Classroom blog: googleclouduconn.blogspot.com 4/26/2021, 5:13 PM Office hours tomorrow(Tuesday) 5...