Monday, November 30, 2020

on line help, 11/30/2020, 5:34 PM, English, 11/30/2020, 5:35 PM

Your assigned language is: English
Classroom blog:

11/30/2020, 5:34 PM

Help hours Monday 5-6pm, Tuesday 5:-6:30pm

Send email

Assignment 6 update - face_detect is not required, only need to
deliver output for label_detect, text_detect and landmark_detect.

Make sure you shut your SQL's down so no charges occur. Only shut down
if you have already handed the assignment in.

If your free Google account expires Google has provided $50 coupons
for our class.

Note:Assignment 6

NOSQL project
Due 12/2/2020

Wednesday, November 25, 2020

Google Class Assignment & , 11/25/2020, 6:15 PM, English, 11/25/2020, 6:15 PM

Your assigned language is: English
Classroom blog:

11/25/2020, 6:15 PM

Assignment 6 update - face_detect is not required, only need to
deliver output for label_detect, text_detect and landmark_detect.

Make sure you shut your SQL's down so no charges occur. Only shut down
if you have already handed the assignment in.

If your free Google account expires Google has provided $50 coupons
for our class.

Below is the instructions for download.

Note:Assignment 6

NOSQL project
Due 12/2/2020

Email Address:
Course: ENGR 1166: Foundations of Engineering - Z81 (11981)
Course Start Date: 9/2/2020
Students' email domain(s):
Students can request coupons from the URL and redeem them until: 1/2/2021
Coupons Valid Through: 9/2/2021
Number of Coupons: 28
Face Value of Coupon(s): USD 50.00
Dear Students,
Here is the URL you will need to access in order to request a Google
Cloud Platform coupon. You will be asked to provide your school email
address and name. An email will be sent to you to confirm these
details before a coupon is sent to you.

Student Coupon Retrieval Link

You will be asked for a name and email address, which needs to match
the domain. A confirmation email will be sent to you with a coupon
You can request a coupon from the URL and redeem it until: 1/2/2021
Coupon valid through: 9/2/2021
You can only request ONE code per unique email address.

Please contact me if you have any questions or issues.
John Iacovacci

Thursday, November 19, 2020

Assignments/Projects due 12/02, 11/19/2020, 6:13 PM, English, 11/19/2020, 6:13 PM

Your assigned language is: English
Classroom blog:

11/19/2020, 6:13 PM

Assignment dues 12/2/2020

Project 4

Create a datastore NO SQL database that store customer information and

When instructions are read it translates the instructions to spanish


Create a record
Read a record
Update a record
Delete a record

Send me a link to your app engine program that runs this code

Assignment 6

Build 4 python program that will use Google Vision API to scan 4 separate images

Note: need to use your own images and store them on your Google Storage Bucket

image_uri = 'gs://cloud-samples-data/vision/using_curl/shanghai.jpeg'

image_uri = 'gs://dollarsforstuff/shanghai.jpg'

Send me the output from each run of the function in an email

Note: New on-line help days are by appointment Monday and Tuesday

No final - Term Paper due the date of the final

Tuesday, November 17, 2020

missing Assignments and Projects, 11/17/2020, 11:55 PM, English, 11/17/2020, 11:55 PM

Your assigned language is: English
Classroom blog:

11/17/2020, 11:55 PM

Missing many of the last 2 assignments

Late assignments will be penalized

Will not accept assignments past last day of class December 2nd

Missing assignment will be averaged in as a F

Thursday, November 12, 2020

Assignment 6 and Project 4 due 12/2/2020, 11/12/2020, 9:39 PM, English, 11/12/2020, 9:39 PM

Your assigned language is: English
Classroom blog:

11/12/2020, 9:39 PM

Assignment dues 12/2/2020

Project 4

Create a datastore NO SQL database that store customer information and

When instructions are read it translates the instructions to spanish


Create a record
Read a record
Update a record
Delete a record

Assignment 6

Build 4 python program that will use Google Vision API to scan 4 separate images

Note: need to use your own images and store them on your Google Bucket

image_uri = 'gs://cloud-samples-data/vision/using_curl/shanghai.jpeg'

image_uri = ''

Note: New on-line help days are by appointment Monday and Tuesday

Sunday, November 8, 2020

UCONN Stamford DSC, 11/8/2020, 1:00 PM, English, 11/8/2020, 1:00 PM

Your assigned language is: English
Classroom blog:

11/8/2020, 1:00 PM

And now for something completely different.

I hope everyone who was eligible was able to vote.

We have spoke about being Googlily in the past.

Below is a link to Google Student Development Club which I hope to
launch here is UCONN Stamford during the break.

We are working with the Boys and Girls club of Stamford to help
younger students learn computing on the google platform.

A very Googily mission!!!

Please email me if you are interested in joining the club.

Office hours tomorrow(Tuesday) 5:00pm-6:00pm, 4/26/2021, 5:13 PM, English, 4/26/2021, 5:13 PM

Your assigned language is: English Classroom blog: 4/26/2021, 5:13 PM Office hours tomorrow(Tuesday) 5...