Assignment Exercise - Hello World

Hello World App

Create New Project

At home dashboard click on the 3 circles next to the current project name to get to the project dashboard

On the top left hand side of the screen click on new project

Enter a unique name for the project that is descriptive and you can remember

Click on create the project

Next let's go into the Cloud linux shell upper left hand corner by clicking the  >- sign

Welcome to Cloud Shell! Type "help" to get started.Your Cloud Platform project in this session is set to uconn-app-helloworld.Use “gcloud config set project [PROJECT_ID]” to change to a different project.john_iacovacci1@cloudshell:~ (uconn-app-helloworld)$

Create a directory for the project mkdir helloworld

and change to the directory of the project cd helloworld

john_iacovacci1@cloudshell:~ (uconn-app-helloworld)$ mkdir ~/helloworldjohn_iacovacci1@cloudshell:~ (uconn-app-helloworld)$ cd ~/helloworldjohn_iacovacci1@cloudshell:~/helloworld (uconn-app-helloworld)$

Use the Open Editor button in the right hand side of the screen to allow for the code to placed into the project directory


Highlight the helloworld directory

Go to the file menu and select create new file

type in (note all app engine python processes start with
========================================================================     from flask import Flask

# If `entrypoint` is not defined in app.yaml, App Engine will look for an app

# called `app` in ``.

app = Flask(__name__)


def hello():

    """Return a friendly HTTP greeting."""

    return 'Hello World!\n'

if __name__ == '__main__':

    # Used when running locally only. When deploying to Google App

    # Engine, a webserver process such as Gunicorn will serve the app. This

    # can be configured by adding an `entrypoint` to app.yaml.'localhost'port=8080debug=True)
cut and paste the code above into the on screen editor

Note: This web app is a simple web service responding to HTTP GET requests with the message Hello World!.

Create a new file for requirements.txt (note: the helloworld directory needs to be highlighted when creating the file)


cut and paste into the file (note: may need to use ctrl-v to paste)

Again making sure the helloworld directory is selected create a new file called app.yaml


runtime: python37
cut and paste into the file (note: may need to use ctrl-v to paste)

next use menu to file save all


toggle back to terminal mode by clicking Open Terminal on right hand side of the screen.

While positioned within the helloworld directory type

gcloud app deploy

john_iacovacci1@cloudshell:~/helloworld (uconn-app-helloworld)$ gcloud app deploy

Choose 14 for us-east-1

Select Y when asked Do you want to continue

Finally the app is deployed

Beginning deployment of service [default]...╔════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╗╠═ Uploading 3 files to Google Cloud Storage ═╣╚════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╝File upload done.Updating service [default]...done.Setting traffic split for service [default]...done.Deployed service [default] to []You can stream logs from the command line by running: $ gcloud app logs tail -s defaultTo view your application in the web browser run: $ gcloud app browsejonathaniacovacci@cloudshell:~/helloworld (uconn-hello-world)$

To execute go to compute and select app engine and Dashboard

Click the link to your application 

Hello World App

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