Saturday, February 27, 2021

Assignment #6 dues March 17th - office hours needed please email me, 2/27/2021, 1:39 PM, English, 2/27/2021, 1:39 PM

Your assigned language is: English
Classroom blog:

2/27/2021, 1:39 PM

Assignment # 6 due March 17th

Recreate the app engine project above and send me a working link.

I will be available Monday at 6:00pm is anyone needs help or
Tuesday at 5:00pm only be request.

If I do not receive emails I will not start the sessions.

I have successfully recreated the datastore/firestore issue.

Once a project is attached to either datastore or firestore it will
not let you revert back.

I opened 2 new projects from Google Cloud uconn-firestore and selected
firestore and uconn-datastore and selected datastore.

Solution is to open new project and make sure you select datastore.

Thursday, February 25, 2021

Office Hours Fri 5:00pm to 6:00pm, 2/25/2021, 6:07 PM, English, 2/25/2021, 6:07 PM

Your assigned language is: English
Classroom blog:

2/25/2021, 6:07 PM

Special Office hours tomorrow night(Friday) 5:00pm to 6:00pm

To help with assignments.

Will send out communication on next assignment after I work out the
datastore/firestore issue

Monday, February 22, 2021

Office Hours?, 2/22/2021, 6:21 PM, English, 2/22/2021, 6:21 PM

Your assigned language is: English
Classroom blog:

2/22/2021, 6:21 PM

Anyone looking for help tomorrow?

Please email me regarding office hours 5 to 6pm

Thursday, February 18, 2021

Assignment #5 Due March 3rd, 2/18/2021, 7:10 PM, English, 2/18/2021, 7:10 PM

Your assigned language is: English
Classroom blog:

2/18/2021, 7:10 PM

Create a web site on your cloud storage bucket that
will allow customers to add, change, delete and list their customer information

Using google cloud python functions, html forms and mysql database
tables from the SQL customer table.

Sunday, February 14, 2021

Note: Wednesday Class very important, 2/14/2021, 6:28 PM, English, 2/14/2021, 6:28 PM

Your assigned language is: English
Classroom blog:

2/14/2021, 6:28 PM

Note: Wednesday Class very important

I will be covering Databases and Functions please don't miss it.

Will also be sending grades for 1st 3 assignments.

After Wednesday if you did not hand in all the the first 3 assignments
grading of these assignments will be reduced.

Please let me know if anyone needs remote office hours this week.

Thursday, February 11, 2021

Assignment#4 due 2/17/21, 2/11/2021, 2:37 PM, English, 2/11/2021, 2:37 PM

Your assigned language is: English
Classroom blog:

2/11/2021, 2:37 PM

Assignment #4
Build a Python Invoicer program that lists 4 items that you want to
sell and produce a total.
Note you can not duplicate my items.

# DATA TYPE Examples
########## DICTIONARY #################

cust_name = input("Customer name: ")
cust_address = input(" Address: ")
cust_city = input(" City: ")
cust_state = input(" State: ")
cust_zip = input(" Zip: ")
items = {"plates" : 3, "cups" : 1, "glasses" : 2}
for x in items:
print(x, items[x])
no_plates = input("Number of Plates: ")
no_cups = input("Number of Cups: ")
no_glasses = input("Number of Glasses: ")
total_plates = int(no_plates) * int(items["plates"])
total_cups = int(no_cups) * int(items["cups"])
total_glasses = int(no_glasses) * int(items["glasses"])
total_charge = int(total_plates) + int(total_cups) + int(total_glasses)
myplates = "You Bought {} number of plates at {} = {} dollars."
print(myplates.format(no_plates, items["plates"], total_plates))
mycups = " {} number of cups at {} = {} dollars."
print(mycups.format(no_cups, items["cups"], total_cups))
myglasses = " {} number of glasses at {} = {} dollars."
print(myglasses.format(no_glasses, items["glasses"], total_glasses))
mytotal = " Total Amount Due = {} dollars."

john_iacovacci1@cloudshell:~/pyprojects/assign4 (uconn-engr)$ python3
Customer name: John
Address: 55 daff
City: Stamford
State: CT
Zip: 06903
55 daff
plates 3
cups 1
glasses 2
Number of Plates: 5
Number of Cups: 5
Number of Glasses: 5
55 daff
You Bought 5 number of plates at 3 = 15 dollars.
5 number of cups at 1 = 5 dollars.
5 number of glasses at 2 = 10 dollars.
Total Amount Due = 30 dollars.
john_iacovacci1@cloudshell:~/pyprojects/assign4 (uconn-engr)$

Sunday, February 7, 2021

Assignment Help, 2/7/2021, 5:52 PM, English, 2/7/2021, 5:52 PM

Your assigned language is: English
Classroom blog:

2/7/2021, 5:52 PM

I'm available tomorrow for help on any of the assignments 5 to 6pm

Please email me if you want to join otherwise I won't start the webex.

Thursday, February 4, 2021

Assignment#3 due 2/10/21 app engine form, 2/4/2021, 1:40 PM, English, 2/4/2021, 1:40 PM

Your assigned language is: English
Classroom blog:

2/4/2021, 1:40 PM

Assignment #3 Create an app engine python program that creates a
comment form and display the comments back to the user like the
example below.

Change the html forms to identify the name of your start up company

E.g. UCONN Stamford Development Student Club is my organization that
uses the name of the company you want to represent.

Due 2/10/2021

Please send me your app engine link

Office hours tomorrow(Tuesday) 5:00pm-6:00pm, 4/26/2021, 5:13 PM, English, 4/26/2021, 5:13 PM

Your assigned language is: English Classroom blog: 4/26/2021, 5:13 PM Office hours tomorrow(Tuesday) 5...